Learn The Secrets of Wealth Through Tax Deeds

Learn the secrets of how to buy properties for pennies on the dollar with little to low costs compared to their market value. Instantly turbo-charge your real estate profits without using huge amounts of cash or impacting your credit! If you are ready to join me on this adventure in real estate investing, register in this course, and let’s get started…

Get The Tax Deed Genius Lite Program For $97

The Tax Deed Genius Lite Program is a bite-sized version of The Tax Deed Genius Real Estate Investor Training Program. Instead of the full 8-week program, the Tax Deed Genius Lite Program is only 2 weeks long.

Looking For 1-On-1 Coaching?

If you’re here, it’s because you’re a real estate investor or an aspiring real estate investor. In depth, hands on, or 1-on-1 coaching is the last piece of the puzzle standing between you and the success you dream about. 94% of people who hire a coach say they would do it again. Hiring a coach increases confidence, knowledge, and profits. Are you ready to change your life?

The Surplus Overages Course

The The Surplus Overage Course is a Module from the The Tax Deed Genius Real Estate Investor Training Program. Instead of the full 8-week program, students will learn specifically about surplus overages and receive additional documents about surplus overages.

Earn Money With Our Referral Program

The Jackie Jackson Affiliate Program allows you to make money through referrals. When you refer a friend to the Tax Deed Genius course, you will be able to make a percentage of that sale. Sign up to become an affiliate today!


We help people take advantage of leads they are currently throwing away and turn them into deals! Too often, seller leads slip through the cracks of real estate agents. This is because the property does not have enough equity to be listed traditionally, or perhaps the purchase price the seller needs does not fit the “Maximum Allowable Offer” Formula for Wholesaling, or Buy Fix and Sell Investors. Is this a dead lead? I doubt it!

Let Jackie show you how to convert that lead into profits by using creative investment strategies with terms, everybody wins! Seller sells their unwanted house, realtor gets commission or referral fee, new buyer gets the house and the investor makes profit.


I love buying houses. In fact, I started buying real estate using creative terms and options in 2006 when the real estate bubble popped. Like most investors, I learned a lot if lessons along the way. The experience gained has taught me how to protect everyone in the transaction as well as create winning solutions so everyone benefits. My goal is to always see you win!

Real Estate Business Coach

Jackie is a successful Real Estate Business Coach. She teaches, both new and seasoned investors, licensed real estate agents, brokers, wholesalers, and also acquisition teams. They learn how to build their pipelines, create Win/Win solutions for “Unqualified” Low Equity Seller Leads using Lease Purchases. Jackie’s students also learn “Subject To” Offers, Seller Financing, How To Create Multiple Income Streams, and How to Close Deals.